reader groups

reader groupsreader groups
  1. An Analysis of the Reader Groups ' Quick Cluster and Regression


  2. Science and Technology Journals have relatively fixed reader groups .


  3. An Exploration into Information Accessibility Service for the Vulnerable Reader Groups


  4. The Methods to Determine Targeted Reader Groups of a Journal


  5. On the Construction of the Knowledge - aiding System of University Library for the Vulnerable Reader Groups


  6. Trends in the Reader Groups of Foreign Periodical Reading Room and the Exploitation of Foreign Periodicals


  7. To View the Two Focuses of the Changes of Reader Groups ' Constitution with the Theory of Gradations of Readers


  8. The Demands of the Newly-Emerged Reader Groups Should be Highly Emphasized on Topic Selecting and Themes Plotting


  9. Grey relevance analysis is adopted in this paper to study the relationships between book circulation and newly entered books to library , reader groups and ways of lending .


  10. According to the features of the reader groups of university library , this paper puts forward some suggestions about establishing and managing the readers database from the aspects of theory and practice .


  11. On the aspect of marketing , actively spreading the user market and developing the reader groups are the primary measures for the growth and progress of the electronic-only journal .


  12. Therefore , conducting the educational work on readers for the different reader groups and improving the ability of the readers to utilize the information resources in the library are the important duties of university library .


  13. The combination of the elastic story design and the multi-channel business attracts the reader groups in all levels and its successful commercial planning and the sustainable adjustment way possess the typical significance of reference .


  14. Based on the investigation of the readers in the library of Lanzhou Teacher 's College , the article mainly analyzes the different reader groups , the regularity of reading and the service for the readers .


  15. Taking the research library user of high levels in service as the extension of consulting work in the library , first we must find out the personal materials like these reader groups , and predict the direction of the problem for study .


  16. The methods to determine targeted reader groups of a journal include the expected analysis and determination to targeted reader groups , the movement about editorial work and management , the targeted reader 's feedback to the determination of a journal .


  17. Based on the characteristics of agricultural production , scientific research and education , this paper analyses the condition of various reader groups using agricultural books and information , and describes the economic and social effectiveness as well as their relationship of agricultural library and information service .


  18. The investigation focus on the current state of the market in Qingdao , including advertising prices , reader groups , newspaper reading habits , newspaper content and style , treatment of employees and pay incentives , the competition situation and so on .


  19. By analysing the statistical data of readers investigated and documents required , brings to light the structure of the main reader groups and the disciplines distribution of documents needed by them at the Documentation and Information Centre of the Chinese Academy of Sciences .


  20. This paper analyzes on the types of reader groups in university library and their characteristics , probes into several optimal service modes fitting in with different reader groups , and points out some problems that the attention should be paid to in developing the service for reader groups .


  21. Meanwhile , new citizens novelist has its close to secular life attitude and pay attention to life in one side , especially the pursuit of art on notice interest at war period , catering to the needs of the market , and read won a lot of reader groups .


  22. In resent years , academic periodicals have played an important role in promoting academic research and propelling the politics and economy forward . But wrong understandings to reader 's groups still exist such as disregarding the existence of the readers , ignoring the role of the readers .


  23. All default site groups except the reader and member site groups include this right .
